This game brought back memories like no other, good job! I loved it!
This game brought back memories like no other, good job! I loved it!
Wow, the title of this game is to be taken LITERALLY! You ARE a FLYING FUCKING NINJA! How zany and cool is that!! There really is nothing revolutionary about the game-engine or the game play, but holy shit, there's NINJAS EVERYWHERE, FLYING!!
Very helpful indeed, I didn't even know the "soften edges" feature until now! The way I animate my lightsabres is just with gradient tools though and that works quite well. You need to do some more different shapes of the lightsabre for when you are swinging... like funnel shaped and stuff... Check out my Star Wars Gangsta Rap: Special Edition to see what I mean ;)
OMG! I love SW Gangsta rap and your Chipmunks rap! You rock! Yes, I know you know what your doing, the soften edges make a good alpha looking glow. Glad I helped a pro! *rhyme* Thx.
That was an awesome game! The knock back of the explosion, the roach gore, the gameplay, the soundtrack, the environment, the slow-down, etc, all kick ass. Not to mention a very creative premise! Keep up!
Here's my story:
Major Zarnak, of the Intergalactic Space Patrol deactivated his hyper-dick overdrive and landed his spaceship on the planet Paris. On leaving the decompression chamber, he saw a/an 35-armed monster approaching flamboyantly. "Pie!" said the monster, clutching his conmemperofate. "Honkifying!" replied Major Zarnak cleverly, and getting back into his spaceship, zipped back to his headquarters on planet vyloscifology.
This thing is so fucked up that I wonder what kind of heavy shit you were smoking when you thought up this concept. There was no way you could've thought up something like this sober.
The game itself is nothing to be impressed about, but the sheer insanity of the concept wins you my respect!
Sorry, i'm 14, I dont smoke... I guess I just have a strangely corrupted mind when it comes to... stuff. Heh, and thanx for the review!
This gets a 10 for humor because it makes a complete pussy (Bush) seem like a badass. I think Bush himself will like this game, because he'd be too stupid to be embarrassed by it!
*ps. control gets a little frustrating though:P
Excellent remake of an all-time classic game! Very addictive, very refreshing! And BOY are the controls tricky! Though I got a bit used to it:P Loved the ideas of different "power-ups". Very nice idea! If this version was available on cell-phones, I might seriously consider getting a cell phone! And that's saying a lot because I FUCKING HATE CELL PHONES!!!
Wow that was amazing, the synch of the animation with the music is incredible. I dont like punk at all, but this is really fuckin cool
I loved the music, LOOOOVED IT! Everything was awesome.... exceptthe bass... that sounds little too weird and didn't fit in for me for some reason, could be the wah-wah. Other than that, awesome music, you gots talent.
My love for you is like a truck!
Age 44, Male
Animator / Director
York University/Seneca College
Toronto, ON
Joined on 6/15/00